Being social and active is an extremely important part of aging, and there is no better place to live than Croasdaile Villages. Croasdaile is home to over 600 residents who live in homes, apartments or individual rooms. Living at Croasdaile provides men and women endless opportunities from classes to arts to fitness. They carry out Croasdaile's very fitting motto to stay alive for as long as you live.
This is a story about one of the many groups available, the men's coffee group. These men meet every morning at 10am and just talk. They sit at the same table and use the same white styrofoam cups everyday. There are no agendas, no plans, no expectations except a mutual agreement of listening to each other. This is a group that meets everyday because they want to start their mornings with their friend's opinion on the news, old war stories, the happenings around Croasdaile, or whatever is pressing on their minds. This is a stress free group that gives the members a reason to get going on their day and drink some hot coffee with good friends.