Each Monday, an unconventional band gathers in one of Croasdaile Village's cottages. 5 years ago, Kathy Silbiger formed The Rusty Pipes band as a way to stay busy and share her love for music with others. Today, the band is a place for many residents to rediscover the joy of playing music and learn something entirely new. People of diverse backgrounds have been brought together by a single shared passion for music. Often the sound of a lively tune will mix harmoniously with the laughter of residents as they dedicate themselves to mastering new pieces. Throughout seasons of hard work, rehearsals and concerts, the members of The Rusty Pipes have shown incredible ingenuity and spirit. The resilience and vitality of these unique musicians is a clear reminder that it's never too late to learn something new or pursue your passions.
My experience documenting The Rusty Pipes has opened my eyes to a unique world of music in the later stages of life. The residents were all so gracious to me as I intruded on their weekly practices and rehearsals, and I believe I have been able to grow greatly as a photographer because of it. One of my favorite parts about this project was conversing with the members of the band. I have been continuously astounded by the accomplishments of the members, their dedication to the community, and rich life experiences. I'd especially like to thank Ruth, Woody, Nona, Kathy, and Lex for taking the time to share their incredible stories with me.